FREE DNC Magazine for .NET Developers - 11th Issue (Mar-Apr 2014)

February 2014 .NET DNC Magazine

Hello readers, Welcome to the Eleventh edition of the DNC .NET Magazine. The Microsoft world is alive with ebullience, with a new CEO talking the helm, some rapid changes in the top leadership including ScottGu as the Cloud Chief, Windows XP support ending on April 8th, the SkyDrive to OneDrive leap and the Build Developer conference announced in April; it’s all Live and Happening here.

Back here at the DNC Magazine, as always, we have new tech-topics, new authors and lots of exclusive content. This month we have Windows Phone MVP Vikram Pendse joining our exclusive club of contributors, with his quickfire introduction to the Windows Phone App Studio tool to create Phone apps without a programming background. Welcome Vikram!

Pravin Dabade walks us through some new, exciting and powerful features of IIS 8.5. Pravin also demystifies Extension Methods in a separate article and explains how this controversial but useful feature can be used to extend frameworks like LINQ, MVC and Web API.

‘Software Gardening’ columnist Craig Berntson explains the essence of Software Craftmanship and what it takes to become a Software Craftsman. Subodh Sohoni talks about JIRA, an Issue Management Service tool and explains it’s features and compares it with Microsoft's ALM tools.

A much awaited WPF article is authored by our very own Mahesh Sabnis who does a thorough walkthrough of the new DataBinding features in v4.5. To wrap up this edition, Suprotim Agarwal does a beginner level article for jQuery fans introducing them to JsPerf and demonstrating how to use the tool to test jQuery Selectors.

Once again, we thank our fabulous contributors Craig Berntson, Mahesh Sabnis, Pravin Dabade, Subodh Sohoni, Suprotim Agarwal, Vikram Pendse without whose time and efforts this edition wouldn't have been possible.

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Screenshots of the Magazine

New Features of IIS 8.5

IIS 8.5 New

Some New and Exciting Features of IIS 8.5

Software Gardening: Water Your Software

Software Craftmanship

What does it take to be a Software Craftsman

Perf Test your jQuery Selectors


jsPerf - Performance Test your jQuery Code

Issue Management Using JIRA

Jira Issue Management

Issue Management using JIRA

C# Extension Methods Demystified

C# Extension Methods

Extend Frameworks and Classes using Extension Methods

DataBinding Features in WPF 4.5

WPF DataBinding

Create Rich LOB apps using WPF 4.5 DataBinding

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