jquery book

51 Tips, Tricks and Recipes using jQuery and ASP.NET Controls

'51 Tips, Tricks and Recipes with jQuery and ASP.NET Controls' is an EBook written by an ASP.NET MVP, Suprotim Agarwal. In the first book of its kind on using jQuery with ASP.NET Controls, the author shows you how to use jQuery to solve some common and not-so-common client-side programming challenges while dealing with ASP.NET Controls. This EBook is the result of his practical experience of using jQuery 1.3.2 with ASP.NET controls, all in the pursuit of demonstrating techniques to resolve Client-Side programming challenges, quickly.

For Only $14.99 You Will Get:
  • 51 Tips, Tricks and Recipes with jQuery and ASP.NET Controls EBook (PDF) - 185 pages
  • Entire Source Code of the EBook
  • Cross Browser Scripts - tested on IE 7, IE 8, Firefox 3, Chrome 2, Safari 4
  • Common code that runs on ASP.NET Pages and Master Pages
  • An explanation of the code broken up in paragraphs, code snippets, and screen shots
  • A link to a live demonstration

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Preview of the Book

You can download the Table of Contents and 5 Sample Chapters of the eBook

What are people saying about this book - Mentions, Reviews and Comments

Here are some of the mentions, reviews and comments we have received for the eBook - 51 Tips, Tricks and Recipes with jQuery and ASP.NET Controls

I found this cool eBook and wanted to share it with you all since jQuery is more and more, becoming a common part of the ASP.NET Development experience
-- Joe Stagner aka 'Misfit Geek'

Most of my web development history has been doing ASP.NET WebForms (and more recently ASP.NET MVC) so, I enjoyed reading this eBook. I could understand the situations, problems, and pain points that the eBook addressed. It was nice to see how jQuery can resolve these issues in an unobtrusive and cross-browser way while only requiring a small amount of code. [Read More...]
-- Elijah Manor (ASP.NET MVP)

I feel that the practical value of the book is immense. The examples and explanation are clear and concise – you don’t find any useless crap there. Each recipe has a problem statement (challenge), solution (the actual code), Explanation of the code, A link to a live demo, a note on Browsers supported, and a set of useful links on this problem. Great [Read More...]
-- Anoop Madhusudanan (ASP.NET MVP)

This is one of the best programming books I have ever used. I was able to apply the knowlege gained from this book on real world applications right away. Would love to see more of the same and soon, this book is a must have for every ASP.NET web developer!. Extremely impressed and very excited about using my elevated knowledge of Jquery on every web project that I approach from now on. A fantastic job all around, and excellent customer service to boot!"
-- Mark Lea
Web Developer, Renaissance Insurance Agency, Inc.

I can't praise this book enough as it pulled me out of an enormous hole. I'm developing a very complex website on Asp.Net which requires a heap of client side scripting. Whilst I'm a seasoned VB programmer, my Javascript skills are very basic and I'm entirely new to JSON. The range of controls covered in this book and, more importantly, the quality of source code and documentation provided, is truly excellent. In just the first couple of days, I've already copied, pasted and modified extracts from several of the examples which have saved me hours of figuring it out for myself. It's the best $15 I've spent in a while.
-- Martin Harran

You guys are great. I look forward to buying other eBooks from DotNetCurry
-- Alex Aminian

I got your book with no problems. Thanks for writing it. Based on the other good articles on your site, I hope you write some additional books in the future
-- Larry Q

Well written, informative and easy-to-use recipes.
-- Tihomir

Good luck with the book. I have just skimmed it but it looks awesome. I have already picked up a couple of great tips. It’s the little things that I was after since I have been using JQuery for a while. Well worth the price. As I am just getting started with MVC, it still applies but it is perfect for getting around some of the obnoxious things that the webform controls do to the rendered html.
-- Paul Speranza (Senior Systems Architect)

I did indeed get the book and I have found it very useful and reasonably priced. I especially like the link to the live demo site, a nice touch. If Suprotim writes any more books be sure to let me know and I hope it sells well as it deserves to.
-- Gerry Doyle

I LOVE THIS BOOK!! Thanks to your team for a follow-up after sending the ebook.
-- Ed Neufeld

After reading a couple of recipes I kept saying - Wow I can use that!!! The Demo link with each recipe is very very useful.
-- Tanya (Web Designer and Developer)

Congratulations for providing the jquery and community with a valuable resource!
-- Mustafa Ismail

Well done Suprotim !
-- PHP-Champ

Although I have read only the first four chapters, i get a feeling that this book is awesome! I will complete it over the weekend and blog about it soon. Thanks dotnetcurry.
-- Andrey Wittke (IT Consultant)

It was very thoughtful to add the live demo link with each recipe. Good job overall
-- Amal

You got to know the basics of jquery before using this book. The author has provided some useful links in AppendixB of this book to get you started. Lots of neat tips and ideas. The book is well-written, concise and can be used as a reference. I wish there were a chapter on ajax too. Overall I strongly recommend this book to everyone.
-- Keith Morgan (Senior Consultant)

Almost 185 pages. This is a very good book. I give it 8.5 on 10.
-- Ricardo

I'm enjoying it very much. A lot of useful info at a great price :)
-- Lee Zoumas

I took the right decision by purchasing this ebook. THANK YOU!
-- Brad Thivent

Excellent recipes. I have already used it to solve an annoying issue. Thank you
-- Henk Beddow

Great for anyone who knows jQuery and ASP.NET and has not yet integrated the two together. I would recommend getting up to speed on jQuery before using this book. The book is written with the assumption that the reader knows JQuery. Very helpful
-- Mark Phillips

I have received the book and it's a very good no nonsense manual.
I was wondering if you could write a same no nonse book about ajax with lots of this sort of example approach. I will certainly buy that
-- M.R.Biesheuvel

Great thank you received, great work keep up the good work, with great ebooks. Hope to see in the next version included WCF with jquery and ASP.NET, if next ebook cover this, i'll buy without thinking twice
-- Sérgio Costa

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