DotNetCurry - About Us

In April 2007, two technologists Suprotim & Minal launched to keep track of the latest Web, Windows, Mobile and Cloud technologies, and to share their IT Enterprise experiences online. They intended to create not just a developer focused content platform, but also one that aims at giving a better understanding of technology.

Since the .NET and Azure platform comprises of a wide variety of technologies, they thought the website name should reflect that. Both of them being foodies, came up with the idea of calling it 'Curry' - which denotes a dish with a a wide variety of spices in it. Hence the name DotNetCurry!

Seventeen years since its launch, today DotNetCurry reaches out to millions of Enterprise .NET Web, Mobile and Cloud professionals globally, and continues its efforts to keep them up- to-date with the latest development technologies.

Our Rockstars

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much! Meet some of our terrifically tireless and spectacular authors.

Craig Berntson

Damir Arh

Daniel Jimenez Garcia

Passionate software developer | C#, ASP.NET MVC, .NET Core, Node.js, JavaScript

Edin Kapic

Gerald Versluis

Gil Fink

Gouri Sohoni

Irvin Dominin

Full Stack Developer | jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, Microsoft technologies

Kunal Chandratre

Cloud Solution Architect | Ex-Microsoft MVP | Azure, .NET, ASP.NET, C#

Mahesh Sabnis

Malcolm Sheridan

Mark Kendall

Sharepoint Application Developer & Advisor | Kendallsoft Academy

Minal Agarwal

Ex-Microsoft MVP - Expression Web | Graphic Designer | Art Director - DNC Magazine

Pravinkumar Dabade

Freelance IT Trainer | Sharepoint, .NET, C#, SQL Server

Rahul Sahasrabuddhe

Practice Manager | DIY Techie | .NET, MVC, JavaScript, PowerBI

Raj Aththanayake

Senior Analyst Programmer | Coding Standards, .NET, C#, MVC, TDD

Ravi Kiran

Shoban Kumar

Ex-Microsoft MVP | SharePoint Consultant | Azure, Windows Phone, IoT

Subodh Sohoni

Sumit Maitra

Senior Software Developer | DIY Techie | C#, MVC, SignalR, JavaScript

Suprotim Agarwal

Tim Sommer

Todd Crenshaw

SharePoint Sr. Administrator | Technical Instructor | Sharepoint, MVC

V Keerti Kotaru

Vikram Pendse

Yacoub Massad

Software Developer | Design Principles | C#, .NET, DI

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