Abstract: .NET 9 is here, and it's packed with goodies for ASP.NET Core and Blazor! Let's explore the cool new features like smarter static assets, smoother Blazor, and easier authentication.
Abstract: This cheat sheet provides a clear and thorough overview of Azure Storage, Microsoft’s cloud storage service. It outlines the key features, different types of storage accounts, and the various storage services, such as Azure Blobs, Files, Queues, Tables, and Managed Disks. The guide also provides details on blob storage, access tiers, data lake storage, file storage, and table storage. Additionally, it covers data transfer methods, replication options, security features, and monitoring tools. Designed for quick reference, this cheat sheet is perfect for developers, IT professionals, and business leaders who want to use Azure Storage for scalable, secure, and efficient data management.
Abstract: Mastering type testing in TypeScript is essential for developers working on large-scale projects, ensuring type definitions align perfectly with code functionality. This concise guide emphasizes the critical nature of precise type verification, utilizing TypeScript's type system and external tools like expect-type and dtslint for thorough testing. It addresses common pitfalls, such as confusing type assignability with equality, and introduces modern testing techniques to maintain code integrity. With a focus on preventing runtime errors and enhancing maintainability, this tutorial equips developers with the strategies needed to ensure their TypeScript applications are robust and reliable.
Abstract: In the evolving landscape of TypeScript, Generics have emerged as a powerful tool, enabling developers to write flexible, type-safe, and reusable code. This tutorial delves into the essence of generics in TypeScript, guiding developers on their effective use. Through practical examples and insights, we will explore the golden rules, pitfalls, and advanced features of generics, ensuring that developers harness their full potential without overcomplicating their code.
Abstract: This tutorial explores the evolution of string interpolation in C# from its inception to the latest enhancements. This guide delves into its features, showcasing its readability, conciseness, and flexibility. Read this article to stay updated with the most beloved feature of C# and enhance your coding experience.
Abstract: This tutorial delves deep into the world of Azure’s identity management, covering features of Azure AD. It also mentions some new features of Microsoft Entra ID.
Abstract: This article discusses best practices for structuring React.js applications, focusing on three main approaches: Group by Feature, Group by File Type, and a Hybrid Approach. The tutorial also covers how to integrate modern React features, such as Redux, Hooks, Stateful Container Components, Context API, Testing libraries, and Styled-components, into the application structure.
Abstract: This guide provides a comprehensive overview of React.js, from creating components and passing props to using popular libraries like Redux and React Router. It covers advanced topics such as React Hooks, Context, and Higher-Order Components, and provides tutorials on styling components conditionally with CSS, using Formik and Yup for form validation, and testing components with Jest and Enzyme. Perfect for beginners and experienced React developers alike.
Abstract: This tutorial elaborates on integrating OpenTelemetry with Amazon DynamoDB to improve application performance and cost-effectiveness. It details the process of setting up telemetry for a Node app using various OpenTelemetry packages. Additionally, it instructs on instrumenting the Node app and DynamoDB instance, obtaining traces, and adding metrics. It provides valuable insights on troubleshooting, monitoring usage patterns, and cost optimization, thus enhancing the system's reliability and functionality.
Abstract: Dive into the latest features of TypeScript 5.0 and 5.1 in this detailed tutorial. Explore the enhancements, understand the changes, and learn how to leverage them in your projects. This tutorial is perfect for developers looking to stay up-to-date with TypeScript's evolution.
Abstract: This article focuses on the implementation of custom middleware in ASP.NET Core, exploring examples of how custom middleware can be created for logging, exception handling, and caching. It delves into how custom middleware can be combined with built-in middleware to create a flexible processing pipeline tailored to meet the specific requirements of an application. By the end of the article, you will have a deeper understanding of the benefits and implementation of custom middleware in ASP.NET Core.
Abstract: This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on integrating localization into a Blazor WebAssembly application using the Microsoft.Extensions.Localization NuGet package. It outlines creating the project, installing necessary resources, and configuring for dynamic cultural adaptation, thereby enhancing usability for a global audience.
Abstract: This tutorial provides a guide on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). It covers key features such as AKS cluster creation, both manually and with automation tools like Terraform. It also discusses AKS cluster scaling, Azure Virtual Kubelet, and the management of AKS updates.
Abstract: This article explores the concept of Middleware in ASP.NET Core and its key components. It explains the architecture of Middleware and the advantages it offers to developers. The article also provides examples of commonly used Middleware components such as authentication, routing, and exception handling. It delves into the configuration of the Middleware pipeline and discusses differences between ASP.NET Framework and ASP.NET Core Middleware. This article serves as a comprehensive guide for developers who want to understand and implement Middleware in their ASP.NET Core applications.
Abstract: JavaScript gets a new version every year and as developers we need to be aware of these features and their usage. This article goes through the features added to ECMAScript 2022 and demonstrates them with examples.
Abstract: Delve into the transformative power of Kubernetes in managing containerized applications. We will cover essential concepts, including the role of Kubernetes in today's cloud-centric world, the significance of cloud-native applications, and the dual needs - both business and engineering - for Kubernetes adoption. The tutorial further explores the technical requirements for Kubernetes, its core concepts, and the benefits it offers.
Abstract: OpenTelemetry, an open-source observability framework, enables developers to trace, monitor, and collect telemetry data from distributed applications. This article discusses OpenTelemetry's key features, including its language and framework agnostic design, standardization efforts, and community-driven approach.
Abstract: Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates provide a powerful, flexible solution for managing and deploying resources in Azure. This article explores ARM template structure, deployment of multiple resources, multi-tiered templates, nested and linked templates, and parameter files.
Abstract: This tutorial shows two different options for running your .NET code as part of a GitHub Actions workflow using .NET local tools and custom Github actions.
Abstract: This tutorial explores the principles of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), their importance in the IT4IT Reference Architecture, and the significance of Application Life-cycle Management (ALM). We will briefly discuss the challenges of implementing CI/CD, the process of pipeline development, and clarify common CI/CD terminology.
Abstract: This tutorial discusses the provisioning of virtual machines (VMs) in Microsoft Azure using PowerShell, Azure CLI, and Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates. It demonstrates the process of creating VMs with custom configurations and explains how to manage VM resources through scripting and ARM templates.
Abstract: This tutorial contains a quick overview of how to set up Azure Virtual Desktop step by step and how quickly and smoothly everything works and appears to the users.
Abstract: The tutorial explains how a .NET Developer can take advantage of GitHub Actions. It presents two ways to create a GitHub Actions workflow for a .NET solution.
Abstract: This overview about Azure Essentials highlights the benefits, deployment models, and service models of cloud computing, along with essential Azure concepts, such as regions, availability zones, Azure Resource Manager, ARM templates, resource providers, resource types, and resource definitions. Additionally, the overview touches on powerful tools for managing Azure resources and services, such as Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell.
Abstract: One of Microsoft Azure’s AI/ML offerings is a service called Language Understanding or LUIS. In this tutorial, I will give an overview of LUIS and demonstrate some of the features using a real-world example of natural language understanding in action.
Abstract: In this article, I try to show how async/await can be used to solve problems in situations where developers may not think about async/await as an immediate solution.
Abstract: In this tutorial, I compare Azure Static Web Apps with Azure App Service and explain how to publish a Blazor WebAssembly application as a Static Web App.
Abstract: In this article, I will give a brief history of the evolution of Azure Data Studio (ADS). I will also provide an overview of the features currently included in ADS and a breakdown of who the target users are and why one might want to choose ADS over SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). I will also examine why existing SSMS users may want to add ADS to their arsenal of data administration and development tools.
Abstract: In this series of articles, we will take a look at JavaScript as a compelling platform for .NET server-side web applications and services. Node.js can be a very efficient tool for building web servers and modern JavaScript, the one supported by current versions of Node.js, can be quite a productive development environment for .NET Devs.

Async streams in C# – Deep Dive

Authored by: Damir Arh in C# on 2/9/2022
Abstract: This article explores C# async streams in detail: from the basics and the reasoning behind them, to real-world examples of using and creating them.
Abstract: This article is a deep dive into how we can design and build integration Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) solutions using the 2021 flavor of logic apps that run in single-tenant mode. Infused with real-life project experience, the article will briefly go over the key differentiators of single-tenant over consumption-based logic apps, and then dive into the best practices, tooling, and the gotchas of building integration solutions in Azure with logic apps at the core.

Tic Tac Toe in F# - Part 3

Authored by: Yacoub Massad in C# on 1/11/2022
Abstract: In this part of the article series, I will continue exploring the F# language, a .NET based functional-first programming language, by using the example of the Tic Tac Toe game.
Abstract: Learn about cloud applications, study it's internal architecture as well as several design patterns that are especially useful in such applications.
Abstract: Almost every developer will be confronted with legacy code early in their career. This can be a demoralizing experience that takes away the pleasure of writing software - especially if this situation continues for too long and developers don't see a way out. And yet, in my experience the way out looks very similar in most cases. Let me show you.
Abstract: State Management is one of the much-needed features in modern web applications. In this Blazor Tutorial, we will be discussing about the state management features provided by ASP.NET Core Blazor in browsers, which can save a round trip to the server.
Abstract: This Azure DevOps Tutorial tutorial discusses the need of customization of process along with creation of new work item. It also discusses how a new field can be added with the rules if required. We will also briefly discuss the difference between the customization process in Azure DevOps and the on-premises Azure DevOps Server.

Tic Tac Toe in F# – Part 2

Authored by: Yacoub Massad in C# on 5/16/2021
Abstract: F# is a.NET based functional-first programming language. In the second part of the tutorial series, I will continue exploring the F# language, by using an example of the Tic Tac Toe game.
Abstract: In this tutorial, I look at the state of the Nullable Reference Types feature in C#, one year after its initial release.
Abstract: In this tutorial, we will put Blazor WebAssembly under test by building a small real time survey application leveraging SignalR for its real time functionality across both frontend and backend. We will also use the latest ASP.NET libraries in .NET 5 and C# 9.0 and check out some of the new language features like record types.

Azure DevOps Delivery Plan 2.0

Authored by: Subodh Sohoni in DevOps on 4/20/2021
Abstract: Azure DevOps has a new feature called Delivery Plan (2.0) which enhances and replaces Delivery Plan extension. In this article, we will explore some new features introduced in Delivery Plan 2.0.

C# 9 - Making your code simpler

Authored by: Damir Arh in C# on 4/10/2021
Abstract: The tutorial introduces a subset of C# 9 features which can make your code shorter and simpler. It concludes with a brief look at what future versions of the language might bring.
Abstract: Machine learning is glorified statistics. That is, machine learning looks to solve problems by identifying patterns in historical data. This tutorial will equip you with a general knowledge about machine learning, which will form a basis to to examine individual machine learning techniques in more detail.
Abstract: This tutorial is about the architectural pattern of Microservices. We will learn how the microservices architecture pattern evolved, what are the benefits of microservices architecture pattern and an overview of the evolution process of microservices architecture. We will also understand some implementation details of microservices. These details will include the access methods, communication patterns and an introduction to containers.
Abstract: F# is a .NET based functional-first programming language. In this article series, we will explore the F# language by using the example of the Tic Tac Toe game.
Abstract: This React.js tutorial will get you started with Forms in React.js by building a simple form and and showing how to perform validations on the form fields. The examples in the article use React functional components and React hooks.
Abstract: This Kubernetes tutorial is to guide you through the basic and most useful Kubernetes concepts that you will need as an ASP.NET Core developer.
Abstract: This tutorial on Artificial Intelligence covers a lot of ground. It discusses what intelligence is, what exactly we mean by artificial intelligence, its limitations and some myths around it. The tutorial also discusses the emergence of artificial intelligence, its history and some examples of real-world problems that are currently being solved by artificial intelligence.
Abstract: This article covers a selection of design patterns that are used in most web applications today.
Abstract: This article elaborates why PaaS (and not IaaS and SaaS) is fostering innovation (at least in non-IT companies).
Abstract: This C# tutorial demonstrates how to take advantage of Roslyn to increase the amount of dynamic language features we can use into our programs without compromising on type safety.

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