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So far, we have published 9 Word 2007 tutorials and articles, which have been read by over 842726 (Eight Hundred Forty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Six) developers and architects.

Abstract: Tracking and reviewing changes to a document is a helpful task for those who need to work within a team and need to act upon the recommendations or suggestions by others. So in this article we are going to explore how to track the changes and how the author can review them.

Themes in Word 2007

Authored by: Minal Agarwal in Word 2007 on 6/13/2008
Abstract: We all know Word can be used for creating personal documents, business documents, letters, and mails and now with Word 2007; for creating blogs. But how many of you have actually used themes and styles to give it a professional look. Office 2007 provides a number of predefined themes for Word, Excel and PowerPoint. In this article let us explore how to use document themes in Word 2007.

Creating blogs in Word 2007

Authored by: Minal Agarwal in Word 2007 on 6/11/2008
Abstract: Today we all have our blogs; but four to five years ago this concept was not popular. But now blogs have their own importance for personal and business purposes. We can create blogs for sharing our personal views or for business purposes. Microsoft Office introduces a new feature of creating blogs in Word 2007. Let us explore this feature in this article.
Abstract: Working with documents becomes so easy when you have a working environment that you can customize to work according to your requirements. This article will help you set options for display, save preferences and change the default document settings.
Abstract: Abstract In this article you will learn how to modify your work environment. Like what happens when you select text, copy and paste text. We will start with some of the common options and then eventually move to the advanced options.
Abstract: Working with Word becomes more convenient if you can customize the view of your document. This article will give you information about the various layouts, navigation within the document, zoom options and window arrangements.
Abstract: It is often required to navigate within the document you are currently working on. In this article we will look into the traditional ways as well as explore some in-built navigation tools to move through the document.
Abstract: In this article we will learn what building blocks are and how to create and use them to make working with Word documents convenient and time saving.
Abstract: Microsoft Word is the world’s leading word processing application. It can be used to work with a wide range of documents like letters, memos, newsletters, forms and now with blogs too with Word 2007. In this article we will explore the new interface of Microsoft Word 2007.

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