Rabi Kiran (a.k.a. Ravi Kiran) is a developer working on Microsoft Technologies at Hyderabad. These days, he is spending his time on JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, latest updates to JavaScript in ES6 and ES7, Web Components, Node.js and also on several Microsoft technologies including ASP.NET 5, SignalR and C#. He is an active blogger, an author at SitePoint and at DotNetCurry. He is rewarded with Microsoft MVP (Visual Studio and Dev Tools) and DZone MVB awards for his contribution to the community

Ravi Kiran has written 45 articles, which have been read 3719781 times.
Abstract: JavaScript gets a new version every year and as developers we need to be aware of these features and their usage. This article goes through the features added to ECMAScript 2022 and demonstrates them with examples.
Abstract: This React.js tutorial will get you started with Forms in React.js by building a simple form and and showing how to perform validations on the form fields. The examples in the article use React functional components and React hooks.
Abstract: This Angular 10 tutorial will state the importance of unit testing Angular services. It also explains the process of unit testing services, HTTP calls and HTTP interceptors in an Angular application.
Abstract: In this tutorial, we will see how to use Angular CLI to set up the environment for unit testing and then show how to test Angular components in that environment.
Abstract: This Angular tutorial explains how Angular uses Ahead of Time (AoT) compilation on the browser and then demonstrates how it improves the runtime performance of the page.
Abstract: Dependency Injection is an important feature in Angular to build scalable web applications. This tutorial will explore the API for DI in Angular that allows us to inject anything, thus making the code extensible and testable.
Abstract: ASP.NET core now has good support for Angular development using Angular CLI. In this tutorial, build a simple CRUD application using the ASP.NET Core Angular CLI template.
Abstract: Get started with event binding and two-way binding in Angular and learn how to keep the data in the model and input control in sync
Abstract: This article explains the role of data binding in a front-end Angular 5 application. it then introduces the readers to interpolation and property binding techniques in Angular.
Abstract: Learn how to create a Docker image for an Angular application that runs on both browser and from the server, and then deploy it to Azure
Abstract: Learn how to install Angular CLI, create an Angular project and run different tasks provided by Angular CLI on it.This tutorial also explains the importance of a generator to build Angular applications.
Abstract: Using Angular Universal and Node.js to build an application using the Pokémon API to show a list of pokémons and their details. The application would be rendered from the server.
Abstract: This article explains the high level architecture of an Angular application. Then it discusses the core concepts of the framework with some sample code snippets written in TypeScript.
Abstract: React js is an open source declarative and flexible JavaScript library from Facebook for building user interfaces. This tutorial gets you started with React.js with some examples.
Abstract: We can use Babel directly or with a task manager like Gulp to transpile ES6 modules into ES5. This uses Babel to transpile ES6 code to ES5
Abstract: A TypeScript Quick Start tutorial for beginners to get you started with Constructs, Classes, Interfaces, Functions, Decorators, Modules, Transpilation and much more.
Abstract: Symbols is a new feature in ES6 that makes meta programming possible in JavaScript. This article explains what Symbols are and how to use them.
Abstract: ASP.NET WebHooks is the implementation of WebHooks in the context of ASP.NET. In this article, we will see how this feature can be used to receive WebHooks exposed by Github.
Abstract: ASP.NET Core is a redesign of ASP.NET. We will look at the ASP.NET Core platform architecture and some of the most essential ASP.NET Core components.
Abstract: Angular 2 is written from ground-up using latest features available in the web ecosystem. This article explains some core concepts and principles and also teaches you how to create an Angular 2 component using TypeScript.
Abstract: Explore some basic examples of Edge.js and see how Edge.js can be used to interact with .NET and SQL Server using Node.js.
Abstract: Get started with unit testing Node.js applications using the Mocha Test framework and Node.js own built-in library 'assert' for assertion
Abstract: Implement Promises in Node.js using the Bluebird provider
Abstract: Mongoose creates an abstraction on top of MongoDB driver to interact with the MongoDB database. In this article we will see how to use Mongoose to work with MongoDB.
Abstract: Using Node.js to connect to a MongoDB database using MongoDB Drivers
Abstract: Use underscore.js in Node.js apps to take advantage of handy underscore methods that make our experience of working with Node.js better
Abstract: NPM is a very rich and useful package manager and has gained a lot of popularity due to Node.js. This article gives you useful information to deal with NPM in your projects
Abstract: The new features in TypeScript 1.4 and 1.5 is bringing it closer to the ES6 and ES7 specifications. This article explores what's new in TypeScript 1.4 and 1.5
Abstract: Node.js modules system is based on the CommonJS modules system standard. We will explore three different types of modules in a typical Node.js application
Abstract: Building basic REST APIs using Node.js. We will build a simple set of REST APIs to perform GET, POST and PUT operations.
Abstract: Serve HTML pages, scripts and styles using Node.js
Abstract: Our Node.js tutorial series for beginners and experienced developers will help you start building real-time applications.
Abstract: ES6 adds the support of promise API to the language. It is also possible to design some asynchronous APIs using generators. In this article, we will explore asynchrony in the next version of JavaScript.
Abstract: ASP.NET 5 has been designed to make it simpler to work with some of the coolest modern web development tools like AngularJS and Grunt. This article uses these technologies to create an end-to-end Virtual Tutorial Tracker application.
Abstract: Modularization is highly essential to any large application. ES6 modules bring this feature to JavaScript and these modules provide a lot of options to export and import objects. This articles explores Modules in ES6.
Abstract: This AngularJS cheat sheet aims at providing a quick reference to the most commonly used features in AngularJS. This cheat sheet is part 2 and aimed at Developers having Intermediate/Advanced skills.
Abstract: This AngularJS cheat sheet aims at providing a quick reference to the most commonly used features in AngularJS. It will also make you quickly productive with Angular. The cheat sheet is divided into two parts: Beginners and Intermediate/Advanced Developers.
Abstract: This article gives an overview of the API updates in EcmaScript 6 (ES6)
Abstract: Using Grunt, Gulp and Bower to build modern web apps in Visual Studio 2013 and 2015
Abstract: ECMAScript 2015, previously known as ECMAScript 6 (ES6) comes with a number of features that makes JavaScript a better language to work with in large scale applications and adds a lot of useful syntactic sugar at the same time. This article covers features of ES6 that makes JavaScript look and feel better.
Abstract: ServiceStack is an awesome stack of technologies built of top of ASP.NET that makes it easier to build and secure an end-to-end application. In this article, we will explore how to add Authentication and authorization, Bundling and minification and Markdown views to our application.
Abstract: ServiceStack is a configuration free, code-first, light-weight framework built on top of ASP.NET for building services and web applications. This article will get you started with ServiceStack and also get your hands dirty with it.
Abstract: Using D3.js and ASP.NET SignalR, in this article, you will build a basic real-time graphics chart application for the modern web.
Abstract: NTVS is an open source plugin that turns Visual Studio into a Node.js IDE. In this article, we will build a Movie list application using Node.js, Express.js, Mongo DB and Angular JS in Visual Studio
Abstract: This article shows how to build Single Page Applications (SPA) using AngularJS and TypeScript and aims at providing a good understanding on implementing Angular components using TypeScript. You will create a sample video based training application which consumes its data using ASP.NET Web API