Saumil works with Microsoft as a Cloud Consultant. He comes with experience into Azure Services, DevOps, Solution Design, Release Management. He is passionate about cloud technologies. Follow him on twitter @SaumilkumarShah and connect on Linkedin.

Saumilkumar Shah has written 3 articles, which have been read 256995 times.
Abstract: This tutorial contains a quick overview of how to set up Azure Virtual Desktop step by step and how quickly and smoothly everything works and appears to the users.
Abstract: This tutorial demonstrates how to deploy Azure Infrastructure using Terraform. In today's DevOps world, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is an essential component. ARM templates are great, but they can be difficult to author. Terraform is a great option to ARM templates. We can you use Terraform as IaC (Infrastructure as Code) not only for Azure, but also across multiple clouds and even On-premise.
Abstract: This tutorial demonstrates how to create Azure DevOps repos, boards, pipelines, artifacts etc. using Azure DevOps Command Line Interface extension.