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So far, we have published 53 WinForms & WinRT tutorials and articles, which have been read by over 6517991 (Six Million Five Hundred Seventeen Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety One) developers and architects.

Abstract: In this article we will see how you can develop a Weather gadget for Windows 7 which uses Yahoo Weather API for fetching Weather data. The application will also have some of the latest exciting features of Windows 7 like Thumbnail Toolbar and Progress bar.
Abstract: This article demonstrates how to programmatically increase, decrease and mute the volume
Abstract: In this article we will see how we can use .Net and communicate with the most popular blogging tool Wordpress and post a new blog post. Before starting the development of our application, it is very important to learn about XML-RPC because we will be using XML-RPC to communicate with a Wordpress blog.
Abstract: In this article we will see how we can create a simple Desktop Translator which uses the Bing Translator API.
Abstract: In this article, we will see how you can develop a simple Gtalk client using .NET using which you can notify your users that you are away from your desk.
Abstract: The following article demonstrates how to bulk insert data into SQL Server 2008 using SqlBulkCopy.
Abstract: In my previous article, Screenshot in 2 Clicks using .NET, we learnt how we can capture the screenshot with just 2 clicks. But what if we want to capture a part of the screen? In this article we will see how we can capture a part of screen with just few more addition to the existing code.
Abstract: As a developer, I take lot of screenshots and its time consuming to press the screenshot button, paste it in MSPaint or any other Image editing software and then save it. The pain is even more when we need to use two Buttons (Fn + PrintScreen) in most Laptops ;-). So I thought I will develop my own screenshot capturing tool which will allow me to take screenshots as well as save it in just two clicks. In this article I am going to show you how easy it is to develop your own tool using .NET.
Abstract: Google does not have an official Gmail API. Having one would have made it very easy to create a notification application. In this article, I will show you how to exploit the Feed facility of Gmail to build our own Gmail Notifier.
Abstract: The List(T) represents a strongly typed collection of objects which is highly optimized for providing maximum performance and can be accessed using an index. This class provides methods to loop, filter, sort and manipulate collections.In this article we will see some common operations like search, sort, loop and manipulating lists.
Abstract: Most of us, who run websites/blogs or host technical content, face issues of our images being copied and displayed on other blogs. One of the solutions to this problem is watermarking our images with our logo or watermarking the website name on the images.In this article, I will propose a desktop solution using Windows Forms, which can be used to watermark images before you upload the images to the site.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to drag, drop and move multiple items from a ListView control to a TreeView. We will also use the GiveFeedback event to change the default cursor during the drag drop operation.
Abstract: If you have missed on some top articles of Windows Forms on, then this is a must read for you. The Top 10 articles have been decided by our editorial panel based on the popularity of the article, user rating and top views of the articles.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to drag and drop nodes in a Treeview control. We will also explore how to search nodes in a TreeView.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to perform some common tasks using the CheckBox Control of Windows Forms 2.0.
Abstract: Zooming images in a PictureBox control is not something that comes out of the box. However with a little bit of code, basic emulation of zoom in and zoom out functionality can be achieved quiet easily. In this article, we will explore how to emulate zoom-in and zoom-out, of an image kept in the PictureBox control.
Abstract: This is a short article describing how you can invoke and pass values to a javascript function from a WebBrowser component using Windows Forms. In this article, we will navigate to a HTML page using the WebBrowser component and pass values to the javascript function kept inside the page, using Windows Forms
Abstract: This is a short article describing how you can drag and drop files from your Desktop/Windows Explorer to your Windows Form application. In this article, we will drag text files from the desktop and drop it on our WinForm application, to display the contents of the text files.
Abstract: In the previous article, 30 Common String Operations in C# and VB.NET – Part I, we explored 15 common String operations while working with the String class. In Part II of the article, we will continue with the series and cover 15 more.
Abstract: In this article, I have compiled some common String operations that we encounter while working with the String class. In Part I, I have covered 15 common string operations. In the next article, I will continue this article and cover 15 more.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore some commonly used conversion functions in our projects. This is the first part of our two part series. I will cover up some other commonly used conversions in the second part.
Abstract: The FileSystemWatcher is a very handy component that notifies and raises events when a directory or a file in a directory changes. The FileSystemWatcher lets you detect several types of changes in a directory or file, however there is no direct way of detecting when a file is 'moved'. That is the subject of this article and we will explore how to do so.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to drag, drop and move items from one checkedlistbox to another.
Abstract: This article was written simply out of curiosity. I was doing a similar operation using web technologies and just wanted to try out how it works with Windows Forms. I have recorded the steps in this short article, where we will explore how to drag and drop images into a PictureBox.
Abstract: Localization is the process of customizing your application to a particular language, culture or locale. Visual Studio provides support for localizing Windows Forms with much ease. In this article, we will see how to localize windows forms and give the user the ability to change to his preferred language at runtime.
Abstract: There have been plenty of articles written on fading out a form. However I found them to contain a lot of code to do this simple thing. In this article, I will demonstrate how to fade out a form with just 5 lines of code.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to perform some common tasks using the ComboBox Control of Windows Forms 2.0.
Abstract: In this short snippet, we will take a look at how to randomly reorder an array using an ArrayList.
Abstract: The ‘Ping’ class in the System.Net.NetworkInformation namespace provides functionality to determine if a remote machine can be accessed over a network. In this article, we will use the methods and properties of the ‘Ping’ class to determine availability of a machine.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to perform some common tasks using the Button Control of Windows Forms 2.0
Abstract: If you are looking out for a quick solution to prevent the user from opening up multiple instances of the application, this article is was for you. We will explore how to use Mutex to check for the running instance of the application and prevent creation of multiple instances.
Abstract: A common requirement is to display a list of printers on the network. In this article, we will explore how to do so. We will be using Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) to access this information.WMI is like an interface for retrieving management information in an enterprise environment.
Abstract: The RichTextBox is a Windows Form control that provides the user with the functionality to enter, edit and perform some advanced formatting features on the text. Besides its other uses, the RichTextBox also allows us to search and highlight text, which is the focus of this article. In this article, we will attempt to replicate the Find and FindNext functions found in text editors.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore some common text file operations using C# and VB.NET. This article has been requested by a long time reader of NET provides various classes like the File and FileInfo, to create, read, write and perform such similar operations on a text file. For example, you can use the Create() method of the File class to create a text file. The same could also be done using the CreateText() method of the FileInfo class. Similarly these classes also contain functionality to copy, move or delete a file. The trick is to find out when to use which class and for what purpose.
Abstract: A thumbnail is a small sized image. Creating a thumbnail using .NET is extremely simple. In this article, we will explore how to create a thumbnail image and display the thumbnail in our application.
Abstract: DataGridView control is a Windows Forms control that gives you the ability to customize and edit tabular data. It gives you number of properties, methods and events to customize its appearance and behavior. In this article, we will discuss some frequently asked questions and their solutions. These questions have been collected from a variety of sources including some newsgroups, MSDN site and a few, answered by me at the MSDN forums.
Abstract: The System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection is a non-inheritable class that contains the functionality to represent the fonts installed on the system. You can use this class and return an array containing the names of all the fonts on your system. In this article, let us see how to use this class and display the list of available fonts
Abstract: With the MSDN forums flooded with similar questions, I decided to dedicate an article for the subject. In this article, we will create two forms, a parent and a child and then open the child form using the Parent Form. When the child form closes, we will close the Parent form too.
Abstract: The Graphics class exposes a method called CopyFromScreen(). According to MSDN, this method performs a bit-block transfer of the color data, corresponding to a rectangle of pixels, from the screen to the drawing surface of the Graphics. In short, it is used to capture a rectangle and draw it to an image. Let us see how to use this method to capture the current screen.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to play audio files (.wav) asynchronously using Windows Forms. We will be making use of the System.Media.SoundPlayer class which controls playback of a sound from a .wav file.
Abstract: The System.Drawing.Graphics class provides functionality for drawing graphics or text to a screen or printer. In this article, we will explore the functions provided by Graphics class to print a text file with multiple pages.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to add controls to a form at runtime. We will also explore how to bind events to these runtime controls.
Abstract: In this article, we will use the System.Net namespace to find out the IP address by passing the host name. We will also use the IP address to find the host name. We will be using the System.Net.Dns class which can be used to retrieve information about a host.
Abstract: In this short snippet, we will learn how easy it is to implement the solution of one of the most frequently asked questions i.e How to prevent a user from closing a form
Abstract: In this article, we will see how to programmatically center the form using the Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds property. We will also use the FormWindowState to Maximize and Minimize the form.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to perform some common tasks using the WebBrowser Control of Windows Forms 2.0.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to perform some common tasks using the TreeView Control of Windows Forms 2.0.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to perform some common tasks using the Tooltip Control of Windows Forms 2.0.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore and get started with the NumericUpDown Control of Windows Forms 2.0.
Abstract: In this article, we will explore how to perform some common tasks using the NotifyIcon Control of Windows Forms 2.0.

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